Het originele bijschrift luidt: 'The Netherlands Air Forces, now operating with the RAF, the British Coastal Command, et...
Het originele bijschrift luidt: 'The Netherlands Air Forces, now operating with the RAF, the British Coastal Command, etc., in both European and Pacific areas are partly manned by personnel who escaped from the East Indies after the Jap occupation [sic]. To keep track of the latest developments in the air-craft industry training bases have been set up, amongst other places, in the USA. Picture shows: Crew members of the Netherlands East Indies Air Forces at the Jackson Mississippi Air Base.' Nederlands Luchtmacht Opleidingskamp Jackson in de VS.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 162013
- Piloten
- Luchtmacht
- Opleidingskampen
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