Het originele bijschrift luidt: 'Netherlands forces in teh United States.
Het originele bijschrift luidt: 'Netherlands forces in teh United States. Part view of the military training camp at Jackson, Mississippsi, which has been placed at the disposal of the hundreds of Netherlands pilots who managed to escape from the East Indies, and where with the help of training planes and under the command of Major General L.H. van Oyen, they will study the latest air tactics in order to be able to strike back at the enemy.' Nederlands Luchtmacht Opleidingskamp Jackson in de VS.
- Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 162011
- Huisvesting
- Piloten
- Luchtmacht
- Opleidingskampen
- Opleidingen
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