Wat je er aan overhoudt. Memoires van Herman Lucas "versie zaterdag 30 juli 2005" "Periode 1937-1945"
308 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Jacob Kraus >
Martha Baan. 267 p. ; 16 cm.
Contains a handwritten memoir of Leon Egert, dated Brzuchowice, June 6, 1943.
H.A.C. Fabius > Memoires > Conceptversie Deel F van de memoires van H.A.C. Fabius getiteld Memoires naar aanleiding van aantekeningen van Generaal Reijnders , 1940
478 p.
Contains a photocopy of a typescript testimony, in Polish.
Contains a memoir, 47 pages, written by Maria Blum about her Holocaust experiences.
Contains a memoir about Charles Spitzberg's experiences in the Bendzin Judenrat.
Typescript memoir, bound, 264 pages, titled "Lost and Found," an English translation of Adam Rogowski's Hebrew-language memoir of his Holocaust experiences, titled "B'Akalton Yelech Adam."
Contains a memoir, 92 pages, which documents Isadore Berenstein's Holocaust-related experiences in Sochocin, Poland, and in Auschwitz concentration camp.
Memoires van Hugh Rayment, Canadees militairbetreft de periode van begin 1900 tot 1990. Geeft een goed beeld van Canada voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De jaren dertig, de armoede, komt naar voren.De pagina's over de Tweede Wereldoorlog zitten er niet bij.
Testimony, typescript, three pages, unsigned/undated, describing events in Zvenigorodka and Bershad during German occupation (July 1941 - March 1944).
Contains a one-page testimony of a former forced laborer in Romania.
A memoir relating to experiences in the Buchenwald concentration camp during the Holocaust.
Contains a memoir about Bill Vegh's childhood in Czechoslovakia and experiences in Auschwitz.
Van: Gassmann-Baumann, Inge Onderwerp: leven in Duitsland, het vertrek naar Nederland, Nederland voor en tijdens de eerste oorlogsjaren, kamp Westerbork vanaf haar komst op 15 juli 1942 komst tot na de bevrijding van het kamp en haar dagelijkse leven de eerste jaren na de oorlog.
Contains a photocopy of typescript text, unpaginated (approximately 50-60 pages), titled "Escape from Gestapo and S.S." by K. Elsberg.
Testimony, 5 pages, handwritten, describes time in eastern Poland (Bolechow), invasion of Soviets and then Germans, time in ghetto and as forced laborer.
Translation from English into Hebrew of biographies of donor's brother and sister. Collected at a family reunion and translated for grandchildren.
Testimony, 3 pages, handwritten, about experiences of Joseph and Dora Pellenberg, both originally of Poland, and what they experienced during war.
Contains two memoirs by Erna Low titled "I was in Oświęcim" and "Visit from Addis Ababa." The first memoir includes a postscript by her son-in-law Alfred Wolkenberg dated November 1983.
Testimony, three pages, photocopy of typescript. Fragment of memoir, describes author's experience at Auschwitz, and at liberation.
Vijzelstraat 32 1017 HL Amsterdam