The War Papers part 76
The War Papers part 76, artikelen over War at sea: the British Admirals en: Daily Mail, 31 maart 1941 '3 cruisers, 2 destroyers sunk, battleship hit. Higher score expected, not one of our men hurt' 'Navy brush with French shore guns' 'Troops on guard in Syria' 'Japanese convoy nazi ship' 'US seizes all Italian ships there' 'Army, RAF unites land in Malaya' 'My plan to save our shipping, by E. Shinwell' 'US Nazi's bribing seamen' Daily Express, 28 december 1943 'Scharnhorst: we did not lose a single ship' 'Tedder made no. 2 for the Second Front' '50-mile gap in the Bulge' 'Nazi c-in-C went down with her' 'Eisenhower: we'll win the war in 1944' 'Four days in the life of Scharnhorstm the ship that risked it once too often' 'Monty: this is my way to win battles' 'canadian C-in-C says farewell' 'Berlin had bomb-fear christmas' 'if you had been there at the end of the Arctic battle' 'US pincers theaten New Britain airfield' 'safe convoy - by ex-US ships' 'You may be compelled to carry gas-mask' 'Pilots note their fires' 'Jump in New Zealand plane production'
- Collectie Butterfield
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- 11.23.81
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