The War Papers part 35
The War Papers part 35, met artikelen en: Daily Mail 1 april 1944 'Russian vanguards are closing on Odessa' 'Wingate killed in air crash' 'MP tells of IRA war plot' 'Nazis used scarecrow rockets' 'That very remarkable soldier, Orde Charles Wingate' Daily Mail, 20 april 1944 '5000 planes smash reich non-stop. Forts slash at German Air Reserves' '70,000 Jews were murdered in Odessa' 'German blows fail at Stanislavov' 'MPs to ask about Burma Censorship' 'Sweden's No to allies' 'Set fire to Danube' 'Night hawks wipe out 4 junctions' 'Luftwaffe lost 25p.c. on London' Poster Duits: Infanterie. Konign Aller Waffen' 'No cruise holidat for years. We shall be short of ships' 'Soldiers socks stand up the wash now' 'Cruiser hit twice fights on. Luckiest ship.' 'New Spit has great engine' 'Allies gain new ground in Imphal Battle' 'young nurses braved bombs to save patients' 'US Pacific fleet strikes again. Big attack on base 500 miles from the Philippines' 'German tanks in Cassino' 'More Japs filtering over India frontier'
- Collectie Butterfield
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- 11.23.55
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