The War Papers, Part 52
The War Papers, Part 52, met artikelen en: poster: On to Japan! News Chronicle, 28 april 1945 ' LINK UP. Secret is out: Americans and Russians met at Torgau on Elbe at 4.20 p.m. Wednesday. A picture the world will never forget' 'Officer in jeep made contact. Home made banner waved from castle' ' The big 3 tell the world' ' Mussolini captured and Goering is reported shot dead' ' Most fantastic escape of the war. Man doped till Germans thought he had died of typhus' ' Comrades drink toast to victory on banks of the River Elbe' ' SF refuse to give Warsaw invitation' ' How the link-up was made at Torgue' ' Goering: Legend and fact' The People, 29 april 1945 ' Surrende roffer heralds end of toppling Reich' ' Rumour says Hitler, Goering, Goebbels dead' ' Drive to Austrian border. Yanks are in redoubt' ' Last hours in blazing Berlin' ' Nazi slave turned Jailer' ' Real yellow Peril!' ' Guerrilla warfare will not last long.' Duitsland ' Don't save the best jobs for officers. Civil service post-war plan anger rankers' ' 5th Army reaches Swiss frontier' ' For God's sake, let the british know' Bergen-Belsen, Holocaust
- Collectie Butterfield
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