The War Papers part 27
The War Papers part 27, met artikelen en: The Daily telegraph, 27 january 1943 'President and premier meet in north Africa. Plans agreed on for 1943 offensives' 'German Stalingrad army wiped out' Daily Mail, 1 februari 1943 'Stalingrad army wiped out. 16 Axis generals among the 46,000 captured. Marshal Paulus is a prisoner.' 'Eight army attack acis' 'Gen. Giraud talks frankly to Daily Mail' 'New plan silenced Hitler' 'Too much space in Hitler's nightmar enow. by Liddell hart'' 'the men who bombed Berlin' 'Belgians face starvation' 'Vast soviet focres freed for new offensives'
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- 11.23.47
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