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Copyright Holder: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych Selected records of the Union of Polish Patriots in the USSR (ZPP) and the Organizing Committee of Polish Jews in the Soviet Union Included are minutes, correspondence, personal files of organization activists and members, various name lists, newsletters related to the repatriation of the Polish population, statistical data on field work, regional and local units of the Union of Polish Patriots, memories, albums and photographs of Polish emigrants in USSR. Związek Patriotów Polskich w ZSRR (Union of Polish Patriots in USRR, ZPP) was established in USSR at the end of 1942 and was active until Aug. 1946. ZPP was supervised by the Main Board and presided by the secretary general. The president of the Main Board was Wanda Wasilewska, the members were: Stanisław Skrzeszewski, Stefan Jędrychowski, Włodzimierz Sokorski and Zygmunt Berling. The vast number of Polish Jews (at least 230,000) survived the period of WW II in the USSR, and as Polish citizens they belonged to ZPP. In July 1944, Polish Jews at ZPP in the USSR established Komitet Organizacyjny Żydów Polskich (Organizing Committee of Polish Jews, ZPP-KOZP). It was presided by dr. Emil Sommerstein, the members were: Jakub Berman, Leo Finkielsztein, Szymon Zachariasz, Ida Kamińska, Bernard (Ber) Mark, Rabbi Sztejnberg, Mojżesz Broderson, Marian (Meir) Melman, Efraim Kaganowski, Józef Rubinsztein, Lejb Olicki, Rachela Korn and, Abram Zak. The objective of KOZP was to collect the records of Polish Jews in the USSR, sharing information, rendering relief of all kind (financial or non-financial) necessary to organize repatriation to Poland. KOZP activists continued their work after coming back to Poland at the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP).
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