Deutsches Gericht Warschau German Courts in Warsaw Sąd Niemiecki w Warszawie (Sygn.1207/III)
Copyright Holder: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych In October 1939, the German authorities announced that in addition to the existing Polish judicial system, German-administered courts would also be established in Poland. The German Courts (Deutsches Gericht) and Sondergericht (Special Court) were established by ordinances of the Governor General in Feb. 19, 1940 (in Chełm, Kraków, Lublin, Radom, Rzeszów and Warsaw). The courts tried German citizens, ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) living in Poland, Poles and Jews. In 1941 the German judiciary system in the General Government (GG) started actively participating in the implementation of polices that were discriminatory toward Jewish residents in particular, as well as ethnic Poles, and widely used these courts of terror to impose sentences, including death penalties, for alleged offenses, such as, for all forms of resistance against the German occupation authorities; for failure to register by the officers of the Polish Army; for failure of farmers to fulfill quotas; for the hiding of Jews (the death penalty had been in effect for this since 1942, and was often carried out immediately without the judgment of the court); for offenses against the laws and regulations of the German occupation authorities, etc. The judges were supervised by the district governor. Appeals of the verdicts of the German Court were settled by the Higher German Court (Deutsches Obergericht) and its decisions were final. The court arbitrated the cases consistently under German civil and criminal law. The Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Sondergericht Warschau (State Prosecutor of the Special Court Warsaw) was directly subordinate to the Department of Justice of the General Governor’s Office of the Warsaw District. It conducted investigations in criminal cases and transferred them to the Sondergericht (Special Court). See also: Warsaw under Deutscher Herrschaft. The Structure of the Administration of Justice: This collection contain selected criminal and civil cases related to crimes or offences against German ordinances committed by Poles and Jews on the territory of the Generalne Gubernatorstwo (GG). The German court held absolute jurisdiction over all matters involving illegal residence on the "Aryan" site; absence of the prescribed armband (which was normally associated with attempts to disappear into the crowd on the other site of the ghetto walls); black market transactions (including non-compliance with the regulated prices); sexual contacts with gentiles, most specifically with German gentiles; as well as divorces and financial claims (cases filed on behalf of pre-war companies by German trustees (Treuhänders).
- Archief
- us-005578-irn73445
- Court records.
- War victims--Poland--Registers.
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