Shoe Factory in Radom Radomskie Zaklady Obuwia (Sygn. 344)
Copyright Holder: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych Contains all files of 841 Jewish workers of the Shoe factory in Radom. Each file makes an original carton envelope, which was a personal form at the same time. The information on an envelope contain: the family name, name/names, date of birth, place of birth, address in Radom, marital status, and profession. In most files there are photographs of the workers. Some other information is included on an envelope back as “dismissal”, with dates that correspond with the dates of liquidation of the Radom ghettos in Gliwice district and downtown (particularly the information like “After the Gliwice ghetto evacuation”), which indicates death of that person during the ghetto liquidation or deportation to the death camp in Treblinka.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn524454
- Photographs.
- Radom (Poland)--History.
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