Hitler's birthday; charity; Roehm; Goering in Rome
Celebration of Hitler's 44th birthday in Berlin, including flags flying and the SA planting a "Hitler Linden" tree. The narrator notes that nobody will go hungry on the Chancellor's birthday. A scene shows the collection of money for charity through sales of Edelweiss flowers. Close-up of hands holding "Hitler-Geburtstagspende." Shot of people using or exchanging the vouchers (for money?). Location switches to Munich, where a group of SA men, including Ernst Roehm, places a large wreath at the memorial for the fallen heroes of the NSDAP movement. A band plays while the men carry the wreath up steps, lay it down, and salute. Location moves to Rome, where Hermann Goering speaks to the "German colony." He stands at a podium beneath a portrait of Hitler and speaks. Various close up and longer views. Deulig Film or Deutsche Lichtbild-Gesellschaft was a German film production and distribution company. It was established in 1916 by the German business tycoon and media mogul Alfred Hugenberg. The company's foundation, during the First World War, was intended to promote Germany's military cause but it also supported the commercial interests of several major industrial companies who backed the enterprise. The company developed a reputation for the production of short propaganda films and kulturfilms but also released feature films. In response to the company's success several rival industrial firms in alliance with the Deutsche Bank founded their own film company UFA in 1917, which in the decade that followed became Germany largest film enterprise. In 1927 when Hugenberg launched a successful takeover bid for UFA, the two companies merged. Deulig continued to release newsreels but was otherwise swallowed into the larger UFA conglomerate.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn1003428
- Munich, Germany
- Film
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