Ruins of Berlin; German POWs; Private Snafu cartoon
Reel 2 shows the ruins of Berlin, German POWs, wreckage of the I.G. Farben plant, and close-ups of Pres. Truman, V. Molotov, Stalin, and Churchill. Narrator refers to "race hatred" and "intolerance." Question marks on screen. "How can we be sure Germany won't try it again?" Footage of German civilians burning Nazi books and papers, with a brief shot of Hitler's image. Germans look at posters showing corpses from a concentration camp. The narrator says, "It is not our intention to enslave the German people, but to reeducate them toward a democratic way of life." newspaper headlines of the Russian declaration of war on Japan, the first A-bomb explosion, and the Japanese surrender. 01:22 Cartoon: Private Snafu "No Buddy Atoll" The Private SNAFU series of adult cartoon shorts (1943-1945) was made to instruct American service personnel about security, proper sanitation habits and other military subjects, and to improve troop morale. Private SNAFU (Situation Normal All Fouled Up), produced by the US Army Signal Corps, was originally created by Theodore Geisel (better known as Dr. Seuss) and Phil Eastman.Army Navy Screen Magazine.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn1002978
- Potsdam, Germany
- Newsreels.
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