Eichmann Trial -- Session 86 -- Eichmann talks about Joel Brand and Hungary
Session 86. Eichmann is asked about his encounters with Becher. Eichmann answers that he was forced to occupy his time with deportation and sent others to deal with his other duties, and had to present something that his superiors would approve concerning deportation. Joel Brand came to his office, and he began to throw numbers at him, including his invention of the ten percent clause. He knew that Brand could not negotiate with less than one million Jews. 00:12:20 Eichmann says he was amazed when his program was approved by Himmler. 00:15:37 Tape jumps and Eichmann says that he received foreign monetary contributions and he did as much as possible to facilitate Brand's activities. Becher was particularly interested in this transport and often haggled. A plane was obtained to take Brand to Turkey. He says that he never said he could stop the "mills of destruction" of Auschwitz and others, that was beyond his abilities. He did not promise that these transports would not be interrupted, and these trucks would not be used on the Western front, nothing more. 00:30:45 Court adjourns for a break. Tape jumps. Judges return, court resumes. 00:31:50 Dr. Servatius tells Eichmann to continue with his explanation. Eichmann says that he hasn't much more to say. 00:35:26 Tape jumps and Eichmann discusses the particulars and details of his deal with Brand. 00:41:15 Dr. Servatius submits a document about transportation to Switzerland, and says that if Jews could not be useful in munitions industries, they could be turned into cash. Emil Knebel was a cinematographer known for Andante (2010), Adam (1973), and Wild Is My Love (1963). He was one of the cameramen who recorded daily coverage of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem (produced by Capital Cities Broadcasting Corp and later held academic positions in Israel and New York teaching filmmaking at universities. Refer to CV in file.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn1001790
- Unedited.
- Jerusalem, Israel
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