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Germans in Occupied Ukraine

Footage shot by a German cameraman during Germany's occupation of Ukraine in World War II. Footage with German photographers traveling through the Ukraine photographing cities, villages, and collective farms. The most extensive footage is taken with a female photographer from her trip to Ukraine in the summer of 1943. She traveled by plane and car from southern Ukraine (the Melitopol region) just north of Crimea, then along the Dnepr River northward over Dnepropetrovsk to Kiev and then due west to Rovno and then the border of General Government. Reel 2: 05:26:20 MS EXT of Germany's main broadcasting station for Ukraine. 05:26:34 CU Montage of German Ukrainians and Hungarian film and theatre notices in Kiev, some dated July 1943. 05:26:43 CU and MS of Ukrainian militiamen driving horsecarts. Several on horseback. 05:27:14 Little boy at well (same well as in reel 1-Story 646). 05:27:23 LS bridge and river, building steeple, bridge supports, 2 girls walk away from camera down city street, MS boys on horses, truckload of young men in uniform go by, trees and cupola tops. 05:28:04 LS bridge and river, pan along river bank of construction work and boats, barge goes downriver, factory in LS BG. Closer shot but still LS of factory. 05:28:32 MS crowded market, man standing in front of array of packets, hands money to woman. Woman in bonnet selling eggs, woman and person under dark umbrella selling bread, fish, and sausage, CU of women with loaves of bread, women standing talking activity in BG. Three men with many pairs of shoes laid out, CU of men talking and smoking cigarettes. CU chicken and shoes, CU man plays balalaika instrument. 05:29:23 CU German? officer talks to women at market, CU 2 women kneeling as 1 rips paper. MS as woman weighs and sells grapes. 05:29:39 MS Hitler Youth marching in street as uniformed horseman goes by, then CU and MS as they march by official looking building with hammer and sickle. 05:30:03 Shot of recruiting poster? Boys marching. 05:30:19 LS Half moon bay and harbor. 05:30:25 LS pan as many log rafts being floated down river. 05:30:42 LS German officers served on outdoor terrace overlooking logging operation on water. 05:30:57 Large "official" building as man then women pass in front of camera. LS of church, MS of church. 05:31:22 Large crowd of mostly women selling goods or waiting in lines. Good shot of woman pouring milk in bottle via funnel. MS of long table with containers of milk. MCU of woman counting money 05:31:49 Tilt up church facade, damaged church (same as in reel 1-Story 646). 05:32:07 MS Border crossing "General government" as guard observes. CU as barrier goes up and of guard. 05:32:37 Ethnic Germans returning in treks westward into the Reich from Volksdeutsche colonies in southern Russia and Ukraine (summer and fall 1943). People in carts moving their belongings. Low rectangular buildings in BG. Soldiers seem to be supervising. CU of blond girl in cart with man in militia cap, wagon full of belongings. 05:33:41 LS of church in BG, then MS. MS of equestrian statue. 05:33:58 three young women in black walk into camera. MLS 2 girls in front of church, one with embroidered cap, then CU. 05:34:49 MLS German soldiers horsing around in front of shoemaker's shop. MS of men working in shoe shop. 05:35:10 HA Unloading and distributing of bread from wagon. Carpenters work under supervision of local officer. 05:35:51 CU 2 civilians stand in doorway of bank? Business front sign "DNB Deutsches Nachrechtenburo", "Rowno", "Diensteles Beim RKU". LS pan right over roofs of houses of town. 05:36:09 LS Tree lined avenue, street signs in German, church cupola, people and soldiers in street. CU shoemaker shop design. 05:36:54 LS Boats and barges on river. MCU of men loading logs. Boys in small boat with oars. CU of men working on small boat, steamer "Dessna" and young boys swimming nude in BG.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1000101
  • Film
  • Kyiv (Kiev), Soviet Union
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