Okresný úrad v Liptovskom Mikuláši
Printed inventory Okresný úrad v Liptovskom Mikuláši (1923 – 1945), author Emil Kufčák, Liptovský Mikuláš, 1963. Fonds of the District Office in Liptovský Mikuláš, as the state administration body at the regional level, contains the documents concerning political, economic, cultural and social situation in this district during the period 1923 – 1945 and as such it encloses also number of important documents pertaining the persecution of Jews living at the territory of Liptovský Mikuláš district in 1938 – 1945 when Jewish community was being systematically persecuted. Fonds is well preserved and among the 61,2 linear meters it contains various particular information about the history of Jews before 1938 and mainly during the period of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party regime when the anti-Semitic measures came in force. It informs about the ban of local branches of Jewish political parties and later of the Jewish societies such as Chevra Kadisha. Many documents are dedicated to the various ways and steps of the process of Aryanization (revision of the regulations of Jewish business licenses, liquidations and aryanizations of Jewish enterprise property, aryanization of the real estates, dismissal from public service, lists concerning Jewish property in the District of Liptovský Mikuláš) and gradual limiting of Jews in their professions. Fonds provides also crucial information about the deportations in 1942, existence and organization of the Dislocation Center in Liptovský Mikuláš. Various files pertain the employment of Jews or the application for the work permission. There are accessible also some monthly situation reports recorded by the District Chief in Liptovský Mikuláš which contain also the information about realization of anti-Semitic measures in this territory. Archival documents can be reproduced with the permission of the archive and in accordance with archive´s Research Rules (Bádateľský poriadok) as well as other internal regulations of the Ministry of Interior. The District Office in Liptovský Mikuláš was a state administration body. It was established during the period of 1st Czechoslovak Republic (1918 – 1938) and it existed also during the period of the Slovak state/ Slovak Republic (1939 – 1945). This office was originally enforced by the Law No.126/1920 Coll., which entered into effect on 1 January 1923. In the years 1923 – 1928 this District Office was subordinated to the Podtatranská County (Podtatranská župa) and both of these institutions were seated in Liptovský Mikuláš. After the 1928 reform of state administration in Czechoslovakia resulted in the repeal of counties and County Offices, district offices in the Slovak territory were subordinated to the Country Office in Bratislava (Krajinský úrad v Bratislave). Soon after the creation of the Slovak republic (March 14, 1939) its state administration was reorganized and the District Office in Kežmarok was subordinated to the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic (pursuant to the Law No. 190/1939 effective from 1 January 1940). In matters falling within the competence of other ministries, regulations and instructions of these ministries were implemented. Since 1 January 1940, the Liptovský Mikuláš District was also incorporated into the newly established Tatranská County (Tatranská župa) and was subordinated to the County Office of the Tatranská County (Župný úrad Tatranskej župy) with the seat in Ružomberok. The District Chief (Okresný náčelník) was the head of District Office in Liptovský Mikuláš with the responsibility for the state administration in the district as well as the work of the District Office. From 1 January 1940 District Chief was subordinated to the respected County Office and the Ministry of Interior. District Offices were superior to the notary offices which were the lowest level bodies of the state administration in Slovakia 1938 ¬– 1945. To the competence of the District Office in Liptovský Mikuláš belonged 22 notary offices with 73 municipalities. Due to the fact that in the period 1938 – 1945 the majority of anti-Jewish measures in Slovakia was realized by the state administration bodies archival documents of District Offices represent some of the most important sources for the research of Holocaust in Slovakia, both on the state and regional levels. Accessible.
- Archief
- sk-003265-20910
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