The Far Eastern Jewish Central Information Bureau (DALJEWCIB), Harbin, Shanghai, Personal files.
This fonds contains individual files of potential emigrants applying to the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland (Relief Organization of German Jews) for assistance in emigrating to Harbin and Shanghai, between 1938 and 1940. These emigrants were in majority German and Polish Jews, who lived in Germany, Austria, but also in other European countries, including Belgium. This fonds contains about 3000 personal files. The size and content of a file may vary, from just one letter to a rich correspondence, photographs, biographies, recommendations and forms filled in by potential emigrants (often describing their professional qualifications). If the application was sent in 1938-1939, the files often contain information on previous years. One might find a number of potential emigrants whose domicile was Brussels and Antwerp. Inventory of the Far Eastern Jewish Central Information Bureau (DALJEWCIB), Harbin-Shanghai. Personal files, The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People Jerusalem (CAHJP), s.d.
- Archief
- il-002781-il_cahjp_dal_personal_files
- refugees
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