Δηλώσεις Περιουσιών προς τις Γερμανικές Αρχές (1943)
USHMM, RG-45.002M --- Declaration of Finances and Property Records from the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, 1943 Draft Catalogue of the archives of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, written in Greek. The archive contains 4.200 declarations of mobile/immobile property corresponding to 13.400 Jews and they are all dated on the 1st of March 1943.The cards contain personal information as well as itemized lists of real and material property subsequently aryanized by occupying forces and Greek collaborators. The date and time of the facilities of the Archive is determined following communication with the responsible employee of the JCT. The largest prewar Greek Jewish comm unity was in Salonika, located in northern Greece and later in the German occ upied zone. At the time of the German occupation, Salonika had a Jewish popul ation of about 50,000. In July 1942, 2,000 Jewish males in Salonika were assigned to forced-labor projects for the German army. Another 7,000 were ransomed from the Nazis with funds raised in desperation by the Jewish community. In February 1943, the Germans concentrated the Jews of Salonika in two ghetto areas of the city. Be tween March and August of that year, German officials deported over 40,000 Jews from Salonika to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. SS members stationed at Birkenau murdered virtually all of the Salonikan Jews upon arrival. Photocopies of the archival material may be given by the responsible employees of the JCT at their own discretion. Photographing the archival material and the publication of unedited archival material without prior consent of the JCT is prohibited. The researcher ought to give three (3) copies of the final outcome of the project to the JCT upon completion.
- Archief
- gr-002730-001_0025
- Confiscation of property
- Thessaloniki
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