Eichmann Trial Collection
Consultation is available in the reading room The Eichmann Trial Collection is a wide-range collection of documents dating from 1937 to 1962, related to the Adolf Eichmann’s trial held in Jerusalem between April and December 1961. The collection mainly consists of the documentary basis presented by the Israeli Police for the prosecution case against the Nazi SS chief, one of the major organizers of the “Final Solution”. Records include hundreds of letters, telegrams, reports and decrees produced by the Third Reich’s Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) on the subject of the “Final Solution” plan (1937-1944). Postwar-period documentation collected by international historical institutes and military tribunals is also included, alongside with transcriptions of oral testimonies provided by Holocaust survivors and other witnesses. The collection also comprises the trial’s proceedings and catalogues (stenographic scripts, depositions, suits and judgment), together with a set of press reviews from international reporters (1961-1962). copyright : Mémorial de la Shoah. All rights reserved. No unauthorized use without permission.
- Archief
- fr-002375-coh_0020
- Post-war justice
- Adolf Eichmann
- Israel
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Adolf Eichmann
Ramla, 31 mei 1962
- Eichmann-proces
- Reichssicherheitshauptamt
- Jodenvervolging
- Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
- Jodenvraagstuk
- S.S.