Emigration nur ein Wort? : ein jüdisches Überlebensschicksal in Frankreich 1933-1945
Memoirs of a German Jew who emigrated to France in 1933. In September 1939 he was arrested as an enemy alien, but was released when he volunteered for the French Foreign Legion. In October 1940, when his family was deported from Germany to Gurs, he joined them. They succeeded to leave Gurs and were hidden in several places in France until the liberation. 1. Aufl. 148 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
- Dreyfuss, Louis, 1900-1993.
- Wiehn, Erhard R.
- NIOD Bibliotheek
- Text
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- ocm25240532
- Holocaust survivors--France--Biography.
- Dreyfuss, Louis, 1900-1993.
- Jews, German--France--Biography.
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--France.
- France--Emigration and immigration.
- Immigrants--France--Biography.
- Germany--Emigration and immigration.
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