Louise S. testimony 1996
Louise S. was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands in 1929. She describes her family as assimilated. She recalls moving to Bussum and attending school in Amsterdam. She discusses her family’s plans to emigrate and the German invasion prior to their departure date. She recalls anti-Jewish laws expelling her from school and forced relocation in Amsterdam. She describes attending a Jewish school. She describes obtaining forged identity papers and going into hiding in January 1943. She recalls hiding with a distant relative in Bussum who was connected to the Dutch resistance. She recalls being transferred between families in Hilversum and Haarlem and then reuniting with her parents in Apeldoorn. Louise describes liberation by Canadian troops in April 1945 and reuniting with her sister. She discusses learning most of their family had perished. She describes attending school, her marriage to a Danish-Canadian man and immigrating to Canada. She discusses nightmares and depression resulting from her experiences. She discusses sharing her experiences with her children and their varying interest.
- Vancouver Holocaust Eductaion Centre Collections
- Moving Images
- 443
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