AD - B 14 Geallieerde acties First action picture of the British Airborne Forces in Holland.
september 1944
AD - B 14 Geallieerde acties First action picture of the British Airborne Forces in Holland. When the 1st Allied Airborne army was dropped in Holland, photographers of the Army Film and Photographic Unit were with them. This is one of the photographers writes in a letter dated 20th September 'this is the fourth day of fighting and camera work is almost out of the question. All day we have been under shell, mortar and machine gun fire. Photo shows: glider-borne British troops going into action.
- Photographic News Agency
- Algemeen Dagblad
- Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 199152
- Britse strijdkrachten
- Offensieven
- Geallieerden
- Operatie Market-Garden
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