The leader of the fascist militia,excellency Russo arrived at Berlin.
15 juli 1938
The leader of the fascist militia,excellency Russo arrived at Berlin. On Frifay (15.7) the chief of the Italian General-Staff of the fascist militia, excelleney Russo coming by airplane from Munich arrived at Aerodrome of Tempelhof Berlin. He will spend some days in the metropolis as guest of the chief of the storm-trooper's staff (SA) Mr. Lutzo, and of the SA. Excellency Russo and chief of the SA-staff, Mr. Lutze, driving to the city, shortly after the arrival of the Chief of the staff of the fascist militia.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 36088
- Fascistisch Italië
- Diplomatie
- Vliegvelden
- Generale staven
- Russo
- Nazi's
- Vooroorlogse periode
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