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Duitse vloot: U-Boote. First U-Boat 'kill' of the year.

8 januari 1944

Duitse vloot: U-Boote. First U-Boat 'kill' of the year. Down by the stern the U-426 (type VIIC) receives a final burst of fire from a Sunderland flying boat of 10 Sqn. west of St. Nazaire on Januari 8th, 1944. Then the enemy's bows rose steeply and she slid back under the surface, exactly six and a half minutes after the first sighting. Survivors can be seen in the water (bottom right) and a few seconds later the U-Boat disappeared beneath the surface.

  • NIOD
  • Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
  • 33998
  • Britse strijdkrachten
  • Duikboten
  • Gevechtshandelingen
  • Zeeoorlog
  • Duitse strijdkrachten
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