Italy's Foreign Minister leaves for Rome.
2 oktober 1939
Italy's Foreign Minister leaves for Rome. Count Ciano shaking hands with the chief of the Reichschancellory, Reichsminister Dr. Heinrich Lammers. F.l.t.r.: Colonel General Wilhelm Keitel, chief of the supreme command of the army, Bernhard Rust, Reichsminister of education, Dr. Heinrich Lammers, and R. Walter Darré, Reichsminister of agriculture. The chief of the protocol of the German Foreign Ministry, Freiherr von Dörnberg, is seen at left.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 31648
- Fascistisch Italië
- Diplomatie
- Nazi's
- Vertrek
- Ministers
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