Abyssinia's new Viceroy and Addis Ababa's Italian Governor laugh together.
17 mei 1936
Abyssinia's new Viceroy and Addis Ababa's Italian Governor laugh together. Marshal Badoglio, commander-in-chief of the victorious Italian forces and now Viceroy of the annexed Abyssinia, laughs with Colonel Guiseppe Bottai (centre), former Governor of Rome and now appointed Governor of Addis Ababa, after the Italian troops had captured and calmed the Ethiopian capital.
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- 24170
- Fascistisch Italië
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- Vooroorlogse periode
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Pietro Badoglio
Grazzano Badoglio, 29 juli 1871 -
Grazzano Badoglio, 1 november 1956
Grazzano Badoglio, 1 november 1956
- Italiaanse strijdkrachten