America at war. U.S. soldiers live and fight in countries throughout the world. U.S.
America at war. U.S. soldiers live and fight in countries throughout the world. U.S. soldiers ride through the streets of Cairo - four U.S. soldiers in a "jeep" press a heavily laden Egyptian donkey cart in Cairo, Egypt. British and U.S. forces landed in French North Africa on November 8, 1942, after the enemy was driven from Egypt, and in a bitterly contested campaign which ended with the fall of Tunis and Bizerta on May 7, 1943, the Allies succeeded in driving German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel and his Afrikakorps out of Africa. The African campaign gave U.S. soldiers their first opportunity to do battle with German land forces and their first acquaintance with largescale invasion warfare in this war.
- Foto
- 23034
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Burgerbevolking
- Jeep
- Dagelijks leven
- Straatbeelden
- Egyptenaren
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