Small craft transport naval officers to pre-landing parley near Borneo.
Small craft transport naval officers to pre-landing parley near Borneo. Small craft serving high ranking officers idle in the water near the flagship of a U.S. Naval admiral holding a conference preceding the June 9, 1945 Allied landings on Borneo. The landing - the first of the war on the mainland of Borneo - was made in the Brunei Bay area of Borneo's northwest coast and on Labuan Island, guarding the mouth of the Bay. Warships of the U.S. Seventh Fleet and the Australian Navy and fighters and bombers of the Royal Australian and 13th U.S. Army Air Force supported the landings. Borneo is one of the greatest oil and rubber producing centers in the world. Its liberation from the Japanese will be a severe economic, as well as military blow to the enemy invaders
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- 22853
- Landingen
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Landingsvaartuigen
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