Food for Rome. Three young Italians sort their wares in an open air market in Rome for sale to housewives.
Food for Rome. Three young Italians sort their wares in an open air market in Rome for sale to housewives. When the Allies liberated the Italian capital June 3, 1944, there remained only a few days supply of food in the city, the rest having been taken by the retreating Germans. Aided by Allied authorities, huge stockpiles of food were hastily brought into the city from the surrounding countryside to meet the emergency. These supplies, together with the improved transport facilities, are rapidly alleviating the shortage.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 19722
- Voedselvoorziening
- Italianen
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- Levensmiddelen
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