Wounded allied prisoners liberated. A liberated U.S.
Wounded allied prisoners liberated. A liberated U.S. patient at a former Nazi prisoner-of-war hospital in Hoppenheim, Germany, has his finger treated and rolbandaged by a U.S.Army medical corpsman after capture of the town 12 miles east of the Rhine River by Seventh U.S. Army troops march 27, 1945. His finger was injured by a machine gun bullet. Most of the 250 prisoners freed from the institution were American but British, Canadian, French and other Allied soldiers were among the patients. All of the men were in an emaciated and undernourished condiiton and the hospital was described as "filthy".
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- 11379
- Eerste hulp
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Medische verzorging
- Krijgsgevangenen
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