American citizen arrives in U.S. From Portuguese ship stopped by German submarine fire.
American citizen arrives in U.S. From Portuguese ship stopped by German submarine fire. Adelino de Cavalho leaves a U.S. Est Coast port where he arrived on May 31, 1944, on a Portuguese ship from which he had been taken abroad a German submarine and held for questioning, in the mid-Atlantic. Mr. de Cavalho, 40, an American citizen who has lived in Lisbon, Portugal, was among the 385 passengers and crewmen ordered into lifeboats from the neutral Serpa Pinto which was stopped by German submarine fire and the threat of torpedoing on May 26, 1944. The German U-boat commander summoned Mr. de Cavalho aboard the undersea craft but permitted him to reboard the Portuguese vessel which carried refugees from occupied and immigrants to be admitted to the U.S. Three persons died during the transfer from the neutral ship to the small boats, where the passengers had to spend nine hours on orders of the U-boat commander who took two U.S. citizens prisoner.
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