Flames blanket Nazi assembly plant.
Flames blanket Nazi assembly plant. Flames blanket the Nazi Obertraubling ME-109 assembly plant at Regensburg as incondiary and high explosive bombs unleashed by planes of the Eighth U.S. Air Force score the target area, in an attack July 21, 1944. Ranging over Germany from the Baltic to the Alps, 12,000 planes of the Eighth and 15th U.S. Air Forces smashed more than 100 targets in Germany, dropping more than 16,000 tons of bombs in six days of assault ending July 22, 1944.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 3127
- Bombardementen
- Verwoestingen
- Oorlogsindustrie
- Luchtfotografie
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