Verenigde Staten. Wounded U.S. soldiers receive medical attention at front. Two U.S.
Verenigde Staten. Wounded U.S. soldiers receive medical attention at front. Two U.S. medical corpsmen administer first aid to wounded soldiers, lying in the snow, seconds after they fell under a mortar barrage from the enemy on the northern flank of the Ardennes salient. Soldiers of mercy, medical men go right to the front lines with the combat troops. Carrying medical equipment, blood plasma and whole blood, instead of bullets, the medical corpsmen begin the fight for the wounded men's lives. They carry the wounded out of the danger zones and see that they are started on the journey to field hospitals behind the lines. Once their charges are in safe hands, the medical men go back into the battle areas.
- US Army Signal Corps Photo
- Foto
- 87330
- Ardennenoffensief
- Westfront
- Eerste hulp
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Winter
- Verpleging
- Rode Kruis
- Gewonden
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