Exposé from the general secretary of the Jewish Council concerning the order of the German occupier, dated 8 May 1941 (present in duplicate), to propose societies to be dissolved and notes from meetings between the chairmen of the Jewish Council and Committee about the Organisation of Jewish Societies in the Netherlands; furthermore, a stencilled letter from the chairmen of the Jewish Council to the Abteilung Vereinswesen of the Generalkommissariat zur besonderen Verwendung (and a concept letter in Dutch) about societies that are considered for dissolution, mergers, etc. (with a large number of lists of societies as appendixes). Lastly, there is a stencilled letter from the Abteilung Vereinswesen to the Jewish Council about the settlement of the capital of the dissolved Jewish societies, as well as some other items, mei-juni 1941
Collectie 182_ENG: Inventory 2. Departments and committees of the Jewish Council 2.16. Department for Societies
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